Running Gaussian Jobs on the CIP-Cluster

Running Gaussian 03 jobs through the PBS queueing system on the CIP-F cluster requires the combination of input information for the queueing system and for Gaussian 03. A typical example named test1 has the following structure:

#PBS -l mem=128mb
#PBS -q long
setenv g03root /usr/local
setenv GAUSS_SCRDIR /scratch
setenv GAUSS_EXEDIR /usr/local/g03b3
setenv GAUSS_ARCHDIR /usr/local/g03b3
setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH "${GAUSS_EXEDIR}:/usr/lib"
#P HF/6-31G(d) scf=tight

test1 HF/6-31G(d) sp formaldehyde

0 1
O2  1  r2
H3  1  r3  2  a3
H4  1  r4  2  a4  3  d4



The first three lines of this input file starting with the # symbol are pbs-commands that direct the pbs queueing system to execute all following commands in the csh environment and submit this job to queue long. A maximum of 128mb is allocated to the job. Including the queue-name in the input file is not mandatory, but facilitates working with multiple jobs on a compute cluster. The following lines starting with setenv define Gaussian-specific environment variables.

The cat command is then used to create a file called "$GAUSS_SCRDIR/$PBS_JOBNAME". GAUSS_SCRDIR is one of the environment variables set before to designate the scratch directory for Gaussian 03 (a directory for large files that will be deleted after the job terminates successfully). The environment variable PBS_JOBNAME is provided by the pbs queueing system itself and defaults to the name of the script file (here: test1). What the cat command does in this particular example is to copy all lines that follow until the EOF (end of file) marker into the file /scratch/test1.

The remaining lines after the EOF marker first generate an empty file in the users working directory indicating the name of the node on which the calculation will be executed and then execute Gaussian 98 using /scratch/test1 as an input file and /scratch/test1.log as the output file. After job completion the output file /scratch/test1.log will be moved to the working directory of the user. The location of the latter is reflected in the pbs environment variable $PBS_O_WORKDIR. The value of this variable is set upon submit time and defaults to the subdirectory containing the job file. A second (binary) file containing additional information of the calculation called /scratch/test1.chk will also be moved to the users working directory. The final rm command cleans up everything that is left over.

The advantage of reading and writing input and output files to /scratch instead of the users home directory directly has to do with the fact that the former is a local file system, while the latter is accessible only through a file server (here cicum1). In case the file server responds too slowly, the Gaussian 03 jobs will simply terminate with a file I/O error. Access to a local file system such as /scratch is much more reliable. Unfortunately, there are also two disadvantages to this concept. First, as the /scratch directories are local file systems on local disks, they are accessible only from one single node of the cluster. This implies that a job running on cicum82 can't access the files located in the /scratch directory on cicum93. Second, each /scratch directory is open to all users of the cluster. This becomes problematic when multiple users choose identical file names such as test1. In case two users run a job in sequence on the same cluster node using identical file names, the second job will typically die due to file access restrictions. This problem can be circumvented by choosing appropriate job and file names.

The script described above can be extended with all common csh-commands. One particularly useful one consists in copying or renaming files before Gaussian 03 executes. If, for example, results from a previous run are stored already in the binary checkpoint file named test1.chk, one could move this file first to the /scratch directory by inserting:


directly before the touch command in the above example.

Finally this file can be submitted to the queueing system with qsub test1. In case no queueing information has been included in the actual input file, this information can be added on submit time using, for example, qsub -l nodes=cicum92 test1.