Weizmann-1 theory
W1 (Weizmann-1) theory is a compound method aiming at kJ/mol accuracy in thermochemical calculations.
The determination of W1 energies involves extrapolated values of SCF and correlation energies based on
a series of calculations with increasingly large basis sets. First and second row elements are treated
somewhat differently at various stages of the procedure:
(1) Geometry optimization is performed at the Becke3LYP/cc-pVTZ+1 level of theory. The "cc-pVTZ+1"
basis set is identical to the standard cc-pVTZ basis set for first row elements and for hydrogen. For second row
elements a set of high-exponent d functions is added, taken from the cc-pV5Z basis set as the d-functions
with highest exponent.
(2) Zero-point vibrational energies and thermal corrections are obtained at the Becke3LYP/cc-pVTZ+1 level
of theory using a scale factor of 0.986.
(3) The Hartree-Fock infinite basis set limit (ESCF,INF) is derived from calculations with the augh-cc-pVDZ+2d,
augh-cc-pVTZ+2d1f and augh-cc-pVQZ+2d1f basis sets. These basis sets have different meaning for different
elements: for hydrogen the corresponding cc-pVnZ basis sets are used with n = D, T, Q. For first row elements
the aug-cc-pVnZ basis sets are used with n = D, T, Q. For second row elements the standard aug-cc-pVnZ basis
sets are augmented with high exponent d- and f-type basis functions necccesary to describe inner-shell correlation
effects correctly.
Two different extrapolation schemes have been tested for extrapolating to the SCF infinite basis set limit:
(3a) Old style (three-point) extrapolation:
(3a) New style (two-point) extrapolation:
(4) The infinite basis set limit of the CCSD valence correlation energy (ECOR,CCSD,INF) is obtained from
frozen-core calculations with the augh-cc-pVDZ+2d, augh-cc-pVTZ+2d1f, and augh-cc-pVQZ+2d1f basis sets
using the following extrapolation scheme:
(5) The infinite basis set limit of the contributions of triple excitations to the CCSD(T) valence correlation
energy (ECOR,T,INF) is obtained from frozen-core calculations with the augh-cc-pVDZ+2d and augh-cc-pVTZ+2d1f
basis sets using the following extrapolation scheme:
ECOR,T,INF = ECOR,T,AVTZ + (ECOR,T,AVTZ - ECOR,T,AVDZ)/ ((3/2)3.22 - 1)
(6) Relativistic effects and the effects of core-valence correlation are covered as the energy difference between
a frozen core CCSD(T) calculation and a scalar-relativistic calculation with the Douglas-Kroll-Hess model using
all electrons. In both cases the MTsmall basis set is used:
ECV,DKH = Etot(CCSD(T,Full)/MTsmall/dkh) - Etot(CCSD(T,FC)/MTsmall)
The final total energy of the system is then simply the sum of the components:
Using ammonia (NH3) as an example, the following results are obtained:
![]() |
Collecting the data from the above table the W1 total energy amounts to:
Etot(W1) = -56.224998 + -0.270188 + -0.009389 + -0.081843 = -56.586418 au (old-style extrapolation)
Etot(W1) = -56.224938 + -0.270188 + -0.009389 + -0.081843 = -56.586358 au (new-style extrapolation)
For this particular example the old-style and new-style extrapolation procedures yield very similar results differing by
only 0.000060 au (= 0.16 kJ/mol). Combination of the latter W1 total energy with zero point vibrational energies and
thermal corrections yield the energies at a given temperature:
E0 = -56.552637 au
H298 = -56.548825 au
G298 = -56.570666 au
The necessary energies can be calculated most efficiently in the following sequence:
- Geometry optimization and frequency calculation at the B3LYP/cc-pVTZ level
- CCSD(T,FC)/augh-cc-pVDZ+2d//B3LYP/cc-pVTZ+1 single point calculation
- CCSD(T,FC)/augh-cc-pVTZ+2d1f//B3LYP/cc-pVTZ+1 single point calculation
- CCSD(FC)/augh-cc-pVQZ+2d1f//B3LYP/cc-pVTZ+1 single point calculation
- CCSD(T,FC)/MTsmall//B3LYP/cc-pVTZ+1 single point calculation
- CCSD(T,Full)/MTsmall//B3LYP/cc-pVTZ+1 int=dkh single point calculation
The "augh-cc-pVnZ+2df" acronym can be used in Gaussian 03 to conveniently load the correct basis functions
for a given job step for first- and second row elements. The W1 method currently invoked in Gaussian 03
with the W1 keyword uses the "new-style" two-point extrapolation scheme for the SCF component.
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last changes: 09.03.2017, HZ questions & comments to: zipse@cup.uni-muenchen.de