Figure 3.82
In this figure we see the 3D structure of the 2-norbornyl cation as calculated at the MP2/def2QZVPP level of theory.
The corresponding Gaussian input file for the 2-norbornyl cation is:
#P MP2(FC)/def2qzvpp MaxDisk=200GB SCF=tight MP2(FC)/def2qzvpp sp min norbornyl cation +1 1 C -1.17505 -0.06973 0.00000 C -0.56641 0.67946 -1.18993 C 0.84726 0.78699 -0.69634 C 0.84726 0.78699 0.69634 C -0.56641 0.67946 1.18993 C -0.40325 -1.39135 0.00000 C 1.02861 -0.89014 0.00000 H -2.25550 -0.15195 0.00000 H -0.96594 1.69143 -1.28832 H -0.65910 0.16640 -2.14301 H 1.70906 1.03376 -1.29923 H 1.70906 1.03376 1.29923 H -0.65910 0.16640 2.14301 H -0.96594 1.69143 1.28832 H -0.60959 -1.98673 -0.88474 H -0.60959 -1.98673 0.88474 H 1.64730 -1.11972 0.86804 H 1.64730 -1.11972 -0.86804